I had planned this summer to be much more relaxed and slower pace, but as with any summer, it is slipping away very quickly. It'll be time to go back to college before I know it. So, I had to get underway with all my summer craft ideas. Last year, in my dorm, I really never found a good place to hang up pictures (they ended up being held up by tape on my walls). Of course, pinterest gave me this wonderful idea for a cute photo board.
What you need:
-cheap frame
-spray paint (if necessary)
-some sort of cute lace or ric-rac
-wire (mine was 14 gauge silver jewelry wire)
-hammer and small nails
-mini clothes pins (found them at the local craft store)
1) Hammer two nails across the frame (on the back) from each other.
-Let's be real...I have never used a hammer in my life. It's really not that hard. Just take it slowly, and hold the nail to make sure it goes in straight. Once it's in a tiny bit, just pound away until less than 1/4" of the nail is above the frame.
2) Wrap the wire around the nail. Then string it across to the other nail.
3) Spray the frame. I did this after I put on my wires since I was painting the frame the color of the wire. However, for most situations, you should probably paint the frame first.
4) I painted my mini close pins blue (the colors of my room are blue and yellow).
5) Glue on the ribbon to the back of the frame at the top.
6) Enjoy all of your lovely photos!!!
Enjoy all of your summer craftings!
Love, Susie